The Cosmic Explosion Group
We are a small research group in Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA). Our research interests in computational and theoretical astrophysics focus on the explosive phenomena in the Universe. The formation and evolution of these explosive astrophysical objects in the universe is a highly significant area of contemporary astrophysical research.
Our research topics include stellar evolution of massive stars, supernova modeling, physics of compact objects, formation of the first stars and galaxies, etc. We use sophisticated numerical simulations to study the physics behind these fascinating objects and have been constantly collaborating with other leading scientists around the world such as Stan Woosley, Alex Heger, Volker Bromm etc. Thanks so much for visiting our website and wish you have a pleasant day.
Group Members
Ke-Jung "Ken" Chen
Group Leader
Personal Webpage: Google Site
Education and Positions:
EACOA Fellow, NAOJ and ASIAA (2015~2018)
IAU-Gruber Fellow, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, UC Santa Cruz, USA (2013~2015)
Johnston Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Minnesota, USA (2012~2013)
KITP Graduate Fellow, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, USA (2012)
Physics PhD, University of Minnesota (2013)
Research Interests:
My research interest in computational astrophysics focuses on modeling the supernovae explosions and their cosmological impact by using multidimensional hydrodynamics/radiation/cosmological simulations. These supernovae are from the death of massive stars triggered by core-collapse, magnetar, pair-instability, and general-relativity instability
Masaomi Ono
Visiting Scholar
Education and Position:
Visiting Scholar - ASIAA (2022~present)
Research Scientist - RIKEN, Saitama, Japan (2016~2022)
Assistant Professor - Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan (2013~2016)
Post-doctoral Researcher - RIKEN, Saitama, Japan (2013)
Post-doctoral Researcher - Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (2011~2013)
Technical Assistant - Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan (2011)
Ph.D. in Science - Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan (2011)
Research Interests:
Core-collapse supernova (CCSN) explosions (matter mixing, evolution from the explosion to its supernova remnant), Nucleosynthesis in stellar evolution and CCSNe, Molecule formation in CCSN ejecta.
Tomoki Matsuoka
Postdoc Fellow
Postdoctoral fellow in ASIAA (2023~present)
Postdoctoral researcher in The University of Tokyo (2023)
Japan Society for the Promotion Science research fellow (JSPS DC2) (2021~2023)
Ph.D. in Kyoto University, Japan (2020~2023)
M.Sc. in Kyoto University, Japan (2018~2020)
B.Sc. in Tohoku University, Japan (2014~2018)
Research Interest:
I am studying core-collapse supernovae and stellar evolution of massive stars, making use of theoretical simulations. My recent interests are mainly as follows: 1. Stellar evolution of massive stars and its connection with supernovae, 2. Supernova ejecta - circumstellar medium interaction, and 3. Modeling of radio supernovae and supernova remnants.